Jul 7, 2010
Issue 905
Michael Krumme of Los Angeles raises a few questions.
Q. I haven’t received any Gazelle Gazettes for several days, so I assume you took a few well-deserved days off. If not, then there is a delivery problem!
A. Editorial response. Well, Michael, there hasn’t been a Gazette for several days because no one wrote, until you did, with information. The Gazette is totally reliant on participant response and comments.
Q. Now, I know that it would certainly be against CSC policy to discuss a current eBay auction, but what about one that has closed? I was watching this item, which seller attributes to Steuben, but the color is not anything that I have ever seen in Carder Steuben — or am I wrong? I did not find the shape in the line drawings in Gardner. Here’s a link:
It looks like Venetian glass to me. Thought it might be fodder for input from members.
If against policy, please disregard. Just a Carder Steuben novice here, trying to learn more!
A. Editorial Response. You’re correct, we wouldn’t address a current auction. As to one that is closed? Well, as a Club, we’re not going to weigh in with an official response. On the other hand, this Gazette is a teaching tool. A discussion on shape, color, technique and whatever, could possibly be very instructive. So, Michael, let’s see what kind of responses your question raises. It could be interesting.