2019 Symposium Highlights

Jul 26, 2019
Issue 3237

Welcome Reception

The beautiful and fabulous Carder Gallery will be open for a welcome reception on Thursday late afternoon for all our attendees and guests. This is an opportunity for you to spend some time viewing every kind of glass that Frederick Carder made. Even if you have been to see this Gallery a hundred times, there is ALWAYS something wonderful, almost magical, to see in the Gallery. Experts and long-time collectors will be on hand to answer questions.

This will be a great time to reconnect with old friends, and meet new members and first-time attendees. Light snacks and a cash bar will be available. See Symosium information below.

Identification On Pastels

In about 1949 collector Oliver Eldridge made pastel drawings of pieces from his collection. Can you help by identifying the shape and pattern?

Symposium Program and Registration

The Carder Steuben Symposium program and registration materials are now on the Club’s website.

Symposium 2024
Carder Steuben Glass Association
20-21 September 2024
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.