More Eldredge Drawings

Aug 16, 2019
Issue 3252

Symposium Auction Pictures

Over 100 pictures on Auction Zip of some of the glass to be auctioned off September 20 in conjunction with the Symposium at CMoG auditorium. Use this link to see the auction pictures .

Fry Art Glass

One of the really great things about the Carder Steuben Symposium is that we nearly always offer a program on a Carder Steuben contemporary or competitor. Although it’s really great to learn about what Carder Steuben is, it is equally important to learn what it is not.

This year, Clif Dietz will provide a presentation on the glass of H.C. Fry Glass Company of Rochester, Pennsylvania. Clif will focus on several lines of Fry art glass made in the 1920s. Many pieces of Fry are often mistaken for Steuben, so this will be a great program that you won’t want to miss!

Symposium Program and Registration

The Carder Steuben Symposium program and registration materials are now also on the Club’s website.

Symposium 2024
Carder Steuben Glass Association
20-21 September 2024
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.