Register For Symposium

Aug 13, 2019
Issue 3249

The registration deadline is less than 3 weeks away. If you have not yet made plans to attend Symposium, please do so.

Hotel reservation deadlines are coming up fast as well.

You can register either online or by mail.

Symposium information is posted on the Club’s website and below.

Don’t delay! Make your plans today!


Commerce, Carder Style: Promotion and Publicity

Gail Bardhan, retired Librarian extraordinaire from the Rakow Library, now has time to research some subjects that she is interested in , and the Club benefits! Gail is looking into what the trade and decorating journals of the day had to say about Steuben glass.

This presentation expands the documentation of the marketing of Carder Steuben glass, first shared with the Club in 2011. Glass trade journals and home furnishing periodicals provide insight into what Steuben was selling and highlighting from 1903-1932. Images will be drawn from advertisements, other sources, and museum collections.

And no doubt, Gail will make it interesting and fun!

Symposium Program and Registration

The Carder Steuben Symposium program and registration materials are now also on the Club’s website.

Symposium 2024
Carder Steuben Glass Association
20-21 September 2024
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.