More Information On Pastels

Jul 25, 2019
Issue 3236

In about 1949 collector Oliver Eldridge made pastel drawings of pieces from his collection. Can you help by identifying the shape and pattern?

Pastel Responses

First, from David Chadwick-Brown of San Diego

My 6101 has been drilled, but the shape seems close to the pastel drawing

ÿThe #6078, on the right, is Matzu decoration.

Second, from Scott Hansen of Conneticut

In Tuesday’s Gazette, the vase on the right is a 6078 vase, almost certainly in the Matzu pattern. There are examples in the Shape Gallery.

I’ve been curious about the Eldridge drawings. How many are there? Are they all just in pencil (i.e., black and white)? They look to be rather large. More than 8 1/2 by 11? Where are the photos coming from?

Some answers for Scott

The Eldridge drawings were done as pastels. What is being shown in the Gazette are black and white photocopies of those pastels. The photo copies number about 20 and are as I best remember about 8 1/2 x 15 inches. Some of the photo copies are marked “full size”. Some have a picture of a piece of Steuben and then another that is cutoff. This suggests to me the photocopies and perhaps the original drawings were on some kind of a roll of artistic paper. I don’t know what happened to the originals. However, the copies came from collector, the late Darwin Klinetob of Houston. I believe that Eldridge sold some or all of these pieces to Darwin since Darwin Klinetob had the pastel drawings. Originally the glass behind the drawings may have gone from “Calcite Charlie” to Eldridge to Klinetob. “Calcite Charlie” Charles Potter is a story for another day. Alan

Symposium Program and Registration

The Carder Steuben Symposium program and registration materials are now on the Club’s website.

Symposium 2024
Carder Steuben Glass Association
20-21 September 2024
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.