“M” Handles

Jul 24, 2019
Issue 3235

Michael Krumme of California asked “So, the color of the handles on most of these pieces is “Opaline”? It looks like Alabaster to me. If that’s correct, what is the difference between these two colors?

“M” Handle Responses

Beth Shaut of Corning says: “The Color of ‘M’ handles depends upon what glass it is with. Jades have Alabaster and Cluthra , Cintra have Opalescent. I have a Green Jade with Green Jade handles that are coated in White enamel.”

from David Chadwick-Brown of San Diego,


Michael Krumme’s question about the ‘M’ handles has set me to thinking about Mr. Carder’s ‘whites.’ (This is what happens when your give professors the summer off; they go into the weeds, so, readers, beware…!)

My first inclination was to find other handles and free standing rings, and names given them. Looking first just at other #8508 vases, covering cluthra, cintra, jade, and ivory, among the color pieces, only the jades’ line drawings, and website, call the ‘M’ handles ‘alabaster,’ i.e., the webmaster’s call. So what other ‘jade vs. opaline’ applications could I find?

#2909 – jades have alabaster ring handles

#2942 – jades have both alabaster and flint white handles

#2987 – jades have alabaster handles

#3562 – jade has alabaster

#3563 – jade has alabaster, but go to the line drawing and it is called ‘white jade’ What is ‘white jade,’ and why aren’t we directed, when calling up colors, to this number, on the website, should anyone be interested to see the intended application of this name?

#6795 – jade has alabaster

So apparently cluthras and cintras were designated by the webmaster, if not officially denominated by Carder, with the handle – pun intended! – ‘opaline.’ Personally, I’m with Michael – I can’t see the distinction.

As I share Michael’s curiosity, I have proceeded to gather other examples of Carder’s ‘whites.’ Admittedly, this is but a quick survey, as I’ve not given it much thought heretofore, and have always been unsure of the line between shades that are ‘calcite,’ and those called ‘opal.’ Here is my ranking, from clear to stark white, using the website color names:

1. Colorless quartz
#6766 – one example is truly clear, one called ‘colorless quartz,’ but appears white; one with clear trailings, one with raw umber trailings. (Thereat, it should be noted, the cluthra ashtray handle, putatively labeled ‘colorless quartz,’ as are the other 6302 ashtrays, has a clear handle.)

Also, had to check out #6892, and the accompanying line drawing, which lists this shape in ‘Rose Quartz or Green Quartz or Soda Rosa’ – does anyone know what soda rosa is? Originators of the website must have been equally stumped, as the name ‘soda rosa,’ appears without an example known. I believe the website should at least reference or cite #6892 as an intended example. ‘Soda Flint,’ also a listed website color, is without an example, and so I cannot included it in my catalogue of the Carder ‘whites.’

2. Opalescent – often with amethyst lip wraps.

3. Opal – when does this word make a first appearance in the Carder shape number sequence? The website use of ‘opal’ seems to have been applied as the designation with ##216, 267, 273, 280 (for which the line drawing seems first to apply ‘white,’ but not opal), 282, 294, 298, 500, 517, 534, 645, 647, 656, 667, 671 (the first shade to be assigned ‘opal,’ but without line drawing use of the term), 718 (uses ‘white’ only), 727, 738, 799, 819, 820, 822, 825, and 832 (first designation of ‘opal’ in line drawings).

4. Opaline – often seen in stems and feet of Oriental Jade and Oriental Poppy, and in ‘M’ handle descriptor for cluthra and cintra vases.

5. Straw opal – what transforms opalescent or opaline into straw opal? Is it the ribbing of the bottles and vases, listed as ‘straw opal,’ that makes it such? And is it the ribbing that differentiates mousseline or henna alabaster from ‘alabaster,’ e.g., #2030, 2533, #2536)?

6. Alabaster Quartz – a name without examples

7. Alabaster

8. White – is this a generic, or ‘omnium gatherum,’ and, perhaps also including early shades, vases, and white cintra and white cluthra, as in paperweight bottles?

9. Flint white – the color all those advertised tooth-whiteners want to give you! But, I have no idea what ‘Light Flint Green’ is…!

10. Ivrene and Calcite

11. Carrera marble – and what is marbelite?

(This will teach you to ask such puzzling questions, Michael!)

Regards to all, and hope to see you in September.


Symposium Program and Registration

The Carder Steuben Symposium program and registration materials are now on the Club’s website.

Symposium 2024
Carder Steuben Glass Association
20-21 September 2024
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.