
May 31, 2019
Issue 3207

Here is just a sample of a great item that have been submitted and accepted for the Carder Steuben and Corning Glass Auction!

This first-ever public auction will be held on Friday evening, September 20 in conjunction with the Carder Steuben Symposium in Corning NY.

The Club and Upstate Auction Company are accepting submissions for consignment now!

No submissions will be accepted after July 15.

If you would like to have your items considered for this very exciting auction, please review the information on the Club’s website by clicking on the Auction Detail box at the end of this article.

Pictures, descriptions, and other required information can be sent to:

Wisteria or Canterbury?

Alan –

The color of the candlesticks that were the subject of Michael Krumme’s inquiry are indeed Wisteria, not Canterbury. I confirmed the color with Amy Hopwood, the curator of the exhibit at the Newark Museum. Canterbury is a much darker purple than Wisteria shows. It’s ink like. Scott Hansen of CT

Canterbury Wisteria Wisteria

Symposium 2025
Carder Steuben Glass Association
19-20 September 2025
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.