
May 9, 2019
Issue 3192

I just thought I’d share, as this seems to be an unusual shape. It is a 16″ tray, signed Steuben. Jan Baer

A translucent white glass of exceptional soft, mellow, eye impact. First achieved prominence as a glass used in the manufacture of lighting fixtures. In transition from lighting fixtures, a very popular concept was to use extensive ribbing and widely-flared or stretched-edge rims. Styling indicates the bridge between the pre-World War I flair for ruffles, ribbing and elaborateness, and the post-World War I period where a return to simpler forms was in order. Ivrene is an exceedingly scarce commodity to find today. Mostly produced in console sets. When found in a finely blown object and held to a light source will appear fiery opalescent. Usually had lightly incised script Steuben. A Guide to Colored Steuben Glass 1903 – 1933 by Eric Ericson Book 1,p.33

A New Auction Is Coming

Submissions for consideration of the Carder Steuben and Corning Glass Auction are well under way!

This first-ever public auction will be held on Friday evening, September 20 in conjunction with the Carder Steuben Symposium in Corning NY.

The Club and Upstate Auction Company are accepting submissions for consignment from members and readers of the Gazelle Gazette until mid-May.

After that, we will be advertising to the general public for consignments.

No submissions will be accepted after July 15.

If you would like to have your items considered for this very exciting auction, please review the information on the Club’s website by clicking on the Auction Detail box at the end of this article.

Pictures, descriptions, and other required information can be sent to:


Symposium 2025
Carder Steuben Glass Association
19-20 September 2025
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.