Auction Report

Aug 21, 2018
Issue 3021

Hello Carder Steuben enthusiasts,

We are down to the last couple of months to go now before the annual Symposium in October. As you have probably noticed already, there is a session on Saturday regarding a discussion on our annual dinner auction. We welcome fresh new ideas and strategies with this open discussion. I certainly look forward to what types of input we as a group have to offer.

This will be my last year as chairperson of the auction after accepting the position when Marshall Ketchum so graciously asked if I would take over for him six years ago. I am hoping that we will have another successful auction this year and am asking that we have enthusiastic participation from all Symposium attendees.

The auction is an important factor in keeping our Club solvent, and has always been an aspect of the Symposium which I personally have looked forward to the past 13 years. Please take a look around your collections or in boxes, etc. which you may have, and see if there are any pieces you’d like to donate or consign to this worthy cause.

The deadline for submissions is OCTOBER 1ST. I would greatly appreciate if you all would adhere to this deadline, as it creates issues for me if pieces are requested for placement after the deadline. You can get a hold of me through the contact information in the Symposium information packets or the Club’s website. (

ÿThank you in advance for any and all offerings you are willing to submit. As of this writing, I only have three pieces which are pictured.

I hope to see you in October!!


Mark Chamovitz

Symposium 2025
Carder Steuben Glass Association
19-20 September 2025
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.