Carder Plaque

Aug 13, 2018
Issue 3015

Opening Reception

Welcome Reception , Meet Charles Lotton

Attendees at the Carder Steuben Symposium are invited to attend a Welcome Reception to meet Charles Lotton, renowned contemporary glassblower, on Thursday, October 11th at the new Erlacher Steuben Glass Collection Shop on Market Street in Corning.

Hosted by Kitty and Max Erlacher, this will be an opportunity to meet Charles Lotton, son David and other family members. The shop will feature numerous pieces of Lotton Art Glass Studios as well Max Erlacher pieces, modern Steuben and more for purchase.

This opportunity is for registrants of the Carder Steuben Symposium and invited guests. Register today at

Symposium 2025
Carder Steuben Glass Association
19-20 September 2025
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.