How Things Evolve

May 30, 2018
Issue 2968

Hi Alan,

Just to put my three cents in for what its worth. The enclosed line drawing is from 1923 and it clearly states Jade Green rather than Green Jade.

Remembering that the line drawings were used in the packing room to identify what was to be shipped, it would make perfectly good sense to arrange the colors to types first. In otherwise I would presume, probably rashly, but since many colors of glass were being produced at the same time it would make sense to arrange them by types rather than color. So if a worker would be looking for Jade Green they would go to the Jade section and then look for green rather than trying to decide on a green and then trying to determine if its a jade.

Remember they are trying to pack in a hurry to ship it out and not admire it. The advertising would undoubtedly follow the shipping descriptions as this is the way it would be understood.

Fast forward 50+ years to the collector and color takes the importance. To own a piece of Steuben’s jade is fine,but the color takes center stage.Thus Green Jade becomes the term.

Bobby Rockwell

Symposium 2025
Carder Steuben Glass Association
19-20 September 2025
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.