A Homerun

Jul 21, 2017
Issue 2757

In a number of Gazettes recently we’ve been asking readers to share any pictures they might have had of the Reifschlager Gallery at the Rockwell Museum, before it was dissembled and the glass transferred on loan to CMoG in the fall of 2000.

To date we’ve had limited success in finding pictures–just too long ago and technical problems digitizing pictures
The Rockwell Museum moved (on long term loan) approximately 2,500-3,000 pieces of Carder glass from the Reifschlager Gallery, the Rotary Gallery and other galleries at The Rockwell, and then The Rockwell became the Rockwell Western Art Museum.

A light went on! I vaguely remembered a CD preserving pictures of The Rockwell in the year 2000.
Voila! I found the CD in my collection of ephemera. It shows the entirety of The Rockwell Musueum collections (including toys and western art) as it was in June of 2000.

Next, how to share it with Gazette readers? I then, for the first time, discovered YouTube. First, I had to open an account; next, an old CD doesn’t work, but my IT department was able to convert the CD to today’s requirement.
So, now here is a link to a 38 minute YouTube video showing the entire collection, in not only the Reifschlager Gallery, but the entire glass collection.

So, click on the arrow, sit back and enjoy.

Rockwell Museum Carder Steuben Glass 2000

If you have access on your television set to YouTube you can find the video in full size television by searching “Rockwell Museum Carder Steuben Glass 2000” After completing watching this video YouTube played on with a CBS piece on the closing of the Steuben factory in recent years, and other videos on glass blowing at CMoG. Lots available to see.

Symposium 2025
Carder Steuben Glass Association
19-20 September 2025
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.