Mar 24, 2017
Issue 2676
Our favorite piece of Steuben happens to be to first piece we ever bought. We didn’t even know it was Steuben made with certainty as we had just recently started our collecting. The late Marshall Ketchum had contacted us about something of ours he had seen on eBay that we decided not to sell after speaking. During our conversation we asked him about this piece as we thought it was form 312, but had not been able to find anything similar. He replied that after showing it to the folks that vetted items for the Shape Gallery that it was the only piece of Steuben known at the time, maybe it still is, with a foot of silver that was made for an item that matched the form of the item and was not a repair. He stated to us that it may have been something Carder was considering to add to the line. The foot was made by Webster. It is likely a one of a kind we stumbled upon. He asked our permission to include the photo in the shape gallery as we were not members of the club at the time.
David Kingsley and Duane Moulton
In showing Dick Weerts’ cherub Cire Perdue vase, along with two other blue Cire Perdues at CMoG, we inadvertently identified the wrong picture as Dick’s. Here is the picture of Dick’s quite fabulous piece of blue Cire Perdue.