Ask and Answered

Jul 15, 2016
Issue 2511

Blue Jade or Green Jade

Dianne Greg asked:

I have the same 7338 Ivory goblet, What is the opalescent blue and white dish and saucer to the left of it?

D C-B’s responds:

When I first obtained a copy of Tom Dimitroff’s wonderful resource book, I was struck by the photograph on page 179. The green jade grotesque with alabaster is a piece I would dearly love to own.

And that put me to thinking about casings or flashing of other jades, other than those intended to be acid cut. Rande Bly and I have conversed about such items, and he was able to provide me with a green jade bowl, flashed in white.

I also have the #2680 sherbet and underplate in light blue jade that Dianne is referencing, flashed in alabaster, with flint stem. So that set me to wondering if there are other flashed jade sherbets. Naturally, in that area, the authority is Jim Sutterfield, and the website. I cannot find any other examples – yellow would be lacking in contrast, plum I do not recall seeing as sherbets; dark blue and mirror black might be quite stark, but interesting – but I wondered if there is a light blue jade throughout, including stem, or is light blue always flashed, bowl and/or plate, as in my collection and on the website?(And for Jim, did they ever do 2680 in Canterbury or Cairn Gorm?

Symposium 2025
Carder Steuben Glass Association
19-20 September 2025
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