
Jun 8, 2016
Issue 2485


Congratulations to Tom; a very well deserved award for him. He’s an excellent researcher and a great teacher!
Jane Spillman

Well deserved. Congratulations Tom. Fran Gabel

Eric Ericson Says

from Rande Bly

Carder did make a Shaded Ruby so let’s explore that. We can see what Ericson had to say about Steuben Shaded Ruby and Steuben Amberina? I will present his text from book one page 71. Ericson mistakenly had Gold Ruby and Selenium Red reversed so for clarification I will correct the text accordingly to coincide with what he was trying to express.

Ericson states the following:

It is normal to call items shading from a fuchsia-type red to a vivid amber by the name of “Amberina.” Mr. Carder did not market a ware by this name. He did, however market under the Steuben name a ware of Shaded Ruby, or Shaded Selenium Ruby, which for all intents and purposes is Amberina.

While it is difficult to determine the exact number of such items turned out, there is no question but that these items rank, insofar as colored crystal is concerned, among the rarest of all, and certainly it follows that it is exceedingly scarce.

To those who are familiar with the quite vivid demarcation usually associated with items in the Amberina category, Steuben Shaded Ruby will be a pleasant variation on a theme, for in this ware the shading is quite subtle and will show the faint amber shading only when held to a light source. This is the test to distinguish between it and Carder’s Selenium Ruby, which naturally is uniform in color throughout.

There are a few Steuben Shaded Ruby items which have appeared with a vivid Amberina shading. Apparently some confusion will result in the few instances between the Steuben item and the Gunderson item. It would be advisable to compare the ruby portion with an item in Selenium Ruby for a valid conclusion. End

Today I would like to show from the David Chadwick-Brown collection a photo of a 6767 Shaded Ruby Toothbrush Holder with a post production signature by Carder himself.

Included will be a photo from Ericson book one page 55 showing the Shaded Ruby piece.

I do see Mr. Carder made Shaded Ruby and I have a couple pictures of some more. This poses the question “Where is an example of the vivid Amberina that there is only a few pieces of?”

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