May 6, 2016
Issue 2463
Question of the Day
When examining a piece of engraved glass, how do I tell the difference between stone wheel engraving and copper wheel engraving?
Found at the Residence of David Chadwick-Brown
David’s Comments: Intarsia pictured in Gardner, page 73, as ‘whereabouts unknown’ – now we know.
David Chadwick-Brown holding his Intarsia bowl
David’s comments: Two cire perdue pieces in the background, and if the horses look familiar, there they are in Carder’s office, as Gardner shows, page 53.
Who’s That?
Harry Morgan of Beverly, Mass. asks:
Contact information please for the top photo in “Eight more images from Beth Shaut” (Gentleman in sweater with diamonds)
Aaron Weber of Rochester NY asks:
Hi Alan,
May I ask if anyone knows whose booth is in picture #1?
Thank you,
Aaron Weber
Picture #1