A Great Gift

Mar 18, 2016
Issue 2427

The Museum of American Glass in West Virginia Gift of 201 Pieces of Modern Steuben

We are members of the Museum of American Glass and The Carder Steuben Club. We will be making a significant contribution to MAG to help purchase the display cases. We ask that other members of The Carder Steuben Club consider making a similar contribution. This may be the only opportunity for a museum to have such a large collection of Modern Steuben Glass on display at one time. Every one of the donated pieces will be on permanent display at MAG.

As most of our members recall, The Carder Steuben Club has reached out to Modern Steuben Collectors inviting them to join The Carder Steuben Club. How fitting it will be for our members to reciprocate by supporting such an undertaking by MAG.

Thank you for your consideration,

Katy and Gerry Getman, McMurray, PA

Donations may be made by check to MAGWV, P.O. Box 574, Weston, WV 26452, by credit card by calling 304-269-5006, or through our eBay store at http://stores.ebay.com/wv-museum-of-american-glass. You can also send a contribution through PayPal to wvmag@ma.rr.com – and note that PayPal will allow you to set up a monthly recurring contribution, if you prefer to break your donation into smaller amounts.

Peg Lamps

Peg lamps were fonts designed with an extension or “peg” that was to be fitted into a candlestick, thus modernizing the old stick to burn fluids. The image provided of your lamp (David Chadwick-Brown) does not indicate a peg presence at the angle the image was taken.

Charles Sweigart, Reinholds, PA

Peg image from internet to illustrate;

Peg lamp image from yesterday’s Gazette

The peg lamp – why it is so named, I have no idea – was from Marshall Ketchum’s estate

Symposium 2024
Carder Steuben Glass Association
20-21 September 2024
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.