My Favorite Piece of Carder Steuben

Mar 14, 2016
Issue 2423

Sharing Can Be Fun

We are inviting all subscribers to join in a new series. We’ve begun by asking directors of the CSC to tell us what their favorite piece of Steuben glass is. It doesn’t have to be anything they own. They can submit a picture, or if they haven’t taken one, tell us where to find it from the website and we’ll then provide it. Along with the picture of their favorite(s), perhaps a line or two observing why they like it or whatever comment they care to make. In turn, we invite you to make comments on any of these pieces and, in turn, submit your favorite. We hope this will prove interesting for all and will be a sharing experience.

To Begin

Janet Ziffer of Columbia, Md finds this to be one of her favorites.

I have a weakness for cosmetic jars, which are fairly uncommon in the perfume bottle collecting world. And I think that the oriental line is the most beautiful of all the Carder glass varieties. So no surprise that this jar is one of my very favorites….. and I’d love to add the oriental jade or orchid jars to my collection if someone comes across them. Definitely a case of the obsessed collector — I paid more than I wanted to, but less than I was willing to.

Symposium 2024
Carder Steuben Glass Association
20-21 September 2024
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.