Sidney Waugh

Feb 26, 2016
Issue 2412


In yesterday’s Gazette there was a reference to artist Raoul Duff.

Leigh Alan Demrow of Janesville, WI asked, “Raoul Duff” or “Raoul Dufy”?

Scott Hansen responded to Leigh, “You are correct. It is Dufy. A typing error. We will correct it when the issue is archived on the Carder Steuben Club website.”


Alan –

In 1946 Sidney Waugh designed a series of three pieces entitled The Sea, The Forest and The Desert. The series was shown at Cooper Union in New York in 1948. This photo is The Desert. It is 18 inches tall. On the back of the photo is the following description: “The Desert,” designed by Sidney Waugh for Steuben Glass of the U.S., is valued at $1,000. It is one of a set of three pieces which are the most highly engraved pieces in the history of fine glass making.” The Sea and The Forest are shown in Madigan at page 300.

Scott Hansen, Stamford, CT

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Carder Steuben Glass Association
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