
Sep 21, 2015
Issue 2310


At this year’s Symposium business meeting only two elective positions were open. Scott Hansen of Stamford, CT was re-elected for another two year term. Scott Coots of Rochester, NY was elected to replace John Styler of Prospect Heights, IL whose term expired.

Another Fabulous Symposium

Hats off to Chair Bonnie Salzman of Richmond, VA and her team for another wonderful, diverse and exciting Symposium. If you weren’t there, you missed out on a great weekend. (We’re fortunate; I understand Bonnie has volunteered to chair next year’s Symposium)

Let’s hope those who did attend will hit the reply button and send some thing of interest, a summary of/ or a high point of a prentation or an experience to share with those who couldn’t attend.

A bittersweet moment occurred when Peetie and Tom Dimitroff announced at the birthday party that this will be their last year at the helm of that event, and asking for someone to step up for future Carder birthday celebrations.

From The Back Bench

Because a number of prominent collectors have been selling their collections a lot of discussion at the Symposium centered on what is or should be collector’s end game. Steve Skalsky of Chandler, AZ puts this group of questions to our readers for their thoughts.

“I’m curious, now we have had several long time collectors dispense with their beautiful collections, what was their experience selling or donating? What can they share with the process, fees, expectation, etc.? Was their any lesson learned, something they wish they had done differently or suggestions they can pass on on what they provided? What records did they have? And did they have any photo’s prior to the glass removal?

What are others thoughts concerns and suggestions?”

Thank you,


Symposium 2024
Carder Steuben Glass Association
20-21 September 2024
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.