How Time Flys By

Aug 24, 2015
Issue 2291

Deadlines, and more deadlines….

Symposium is almost here!

Pick up the phone! Make a call! Register on the website! Send in your check!

(Really – it will only take minutes….)

Here’s a few deadlines:

August 25 – (that’s tomorrow) last day to make Radisson hotel reservations

September 4 – last day to make Carder Birthday Dinner reservations

September 8 – last day to register for Symposium

September 9 – last day to make Comfort Inn hotel reservations

September 10 – last day to submit items for Club Auction

Don’t be left out! We’ll see you in Corning, September 17 – 19.

Symposium 2024
Carder Steuben Glass Association
20-21 September 2024
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.