“Carder Colors Demystified”

Aug 12, 2015
Issue 2283

Test Time

Dr. Harrie Stevens taught glass science and engineering for 26 years at Alfred University. Over those years he taught thousands of students, and graded many more thousands of exam papers. Now, as Professor Emeritus, he has time to share with the attendees of the Carder Steuben Symposium his love of glass. Dr. Stevens will provide a tutorial on the basics of glass – materials, process and science. He will also examine and discuss glass colors, including the elements necessary for making various colors. Finally, Dr. Stevens will put all this information in the context of Frederick Carder’s colors, a favorite topic of Carder Steuben collectors.

Dr. Stevens’ lecture is entitled “Carder Colors Demystified.”

NOTE: There may be a test at the end of this program. Viewers should take notes.

10:00 – 11:00 a.m., Friday, September 18

The Countdown

Hello to all Carder Steuben Club members,

The countdown is on! We are less than six weeks from the Symposium! I hope that many of you are going to join us for another few exciting days of fun, fellowship, and everything glass in the crystal city. Please keep in mind if you plan on submitting any items for the final evening’s auction, then the information for the piece(s) MUST be in by September 9, 2015. Remember, the auction is a fundraising event for the Club, that brings in much needed finances for the Club’s future sustainability. If you have a piece you might like to place into the auction, there are two ways it can be entered. The first is as a donation, where the Club receives 100% of the final sale price. The second way is that you may choose to consign a piece , in which case you the seller would receive 90% of the final sale price and a 10% sellers premium would go the Club. All items, whether they be donated or consigned are subject to a 10% buyer’s premium of the final sale price. With many auctions charging between 23% and 28% as a buyer’s premium, a 10% charge is a bargain, and it’s for a worthy cause. Kindly check and see if you have something in your collection which you may like to place in the auction and send me an email, or fill out the form in the Symposium brochure and send it to me prior to September 9, 2015. I look forward to seeing all attendees in September.

Mark A. Chamovitz

mchamovitz@flypittsburgh.com or mchamovitz@pitairport.com

Mark Chamovitz

436 Serpentine Dr.

Pittsburgh, Pa. 15243

(412) 716-8074

Symposium 2024
Carder Steuben Glass Association
20-21 September 2024
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.