Sad News

Jul 6, 2015
Issue 2256

Sorry to report that we lost a founding member of the club, Shannon Blount of Sarasota. Shannon was a victim of a semi truck accident on Saturday. We understand that funeral arrangements are pending. If you wish to touch base with her cousin and club member, Mary Bauer, she can be reached at

Cluthra Overview

The Glass of Frederick Carder by Paul V. Gardner

p. 72-73


Cluthra was one of several Carder Steuben glasses that utilized a powdered glass technique similar to that used for Cintra. In making Cluthra, the glass “frost” was not sifted and consequently the particles varied considerably in size. Carder said he mixed “a chemical” with the glass frost on the marver to produce the myriad of variously sized bubbles that are a distinguishing feature of Cluthra. In most Cluthra pieces, after the desired amount of frost was picked up on the molten gather, another layer of crystal glass was gathered to cover the colored frost and lock it, together with the bubbles, in a transparent casing giving an optical illusion of depth. Carder emphasized that the best effects were obtained when the last crystal glass gather was put on at “just the moment” when the bubbles were forming so that they would be locked in at varied levels and sizes.

Cluthra pieces were also cased in white and other translucent colors, as well as in crystal. They were usually used as blanks for acid-etched designs, primarily lamp bases.

The question of the pronunciation of the word Cluthra constantly arises. Carder preferred to pronounce the first syllable with an “oo” sound; as he said: “Clooth to rhyme with tooth.” At the time it was being produced, many of the factory workers pronounced it to rhyme with “doth,” and others called it “cloother.” In later years Carder himself used wither vowel sound. The origin of the name is obscure; the only clue Carder would offer was that it meant “cloudy.”

Cluthra was made in monochromes as well as in shaded and variegated colors.

Shape: 6882

Form: Vase

Color: White Cluthra

Type: Cluthra

Decoration: Basket Weave, Black Cluthra

Size: 8 in high

Description: CMoG photo Acc.#59.4.413

Shape: 6898

Form: Vase

Color: White Cluthra

Component Colors: Handles: Colorless Decoration: Shading, Green Cluthra

Size: 10 in high

Symposium 2025
Carder Steuben Glass Association
19-20 September 2025
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.