Change of Life Decisions

Jun 23, 2015
Issue 2248

Lots of Competing Emotions

Dear Alan,

We have news we hope will be of interest to our fellow Carder Steuben collectors. Frank and I have decided “the time has come” (to quote the walrus) to part with my perfume and scent bottle collection. This was not an easy decision, reached only after much soul-searching, shedding a few tears and trying to answer our self-posed questions of various “what-ifs?” To be honest, it was time to face up to the fact that perhaps we are not immortal after all! Losing Marshall Ketchum and several stalwarts in our perfume bottle group recently reminded us of that.

So, what to do with 500+ perfume and cologne bottles? First, I want my “children” to go to good homes where they will be appreciated and cared for by someone who loves glass. Second, we didn’t want to burden our family with trying to disperse the collection. Third, no one knows the bottles and their histories better than we.

An auction of the entire collection seemed the best way for us to go. Folks with more internet savvy or with the energy to travel to shows might wish to sell their glass personally, neither a good option for us. Dealers and personal friends are more than willing to take some pieces, but this results in “cherry-picking” the better pieces, still leaving us with the lesser things to deal with. We considered several fine auction houses from which we have purchased things over the years; ultimately we decided to use Brunk Auctions, right here in our “backyard,” Asheville, NC. Brunk was willing to take the entire collection, a plus for us. It will be featured in their Saturday, July 18 auction.

It is strange living without the bottles. We saw them every day-all that light and color filling the living room. It never got “old” looking at all that beautiful glass! Fortunately, when Brunk came to pack them, they took away the four large cabinets as well, giving me an excuse to rush out and buy a new piece of furniture for that very empty wall! As I think we reported in an earlier Gazette, we have acquired a marvelous Steuben Plum Jade lamp, which needed something on which to be properly displayed, of course! Shopping, especially for Carder Steuben glass, is great therapy!

Frank and I are five -year members of our wonderful Carder-Steuben Club and long-time members of other collecting groups, including the International Perfume Bottle Association. These clubs are where we have found our greatest treasures-the lovely friends from all over the world who share our passion. While our 40-year collecting odyssey is coming to an end, we are reminding everyone that we are parting with the bottles, NOT our friends! We intend to continue our memberships, enjoy learning about glass, rejoicing with friends when you find something great and mourning the one that got away!

Thanks for letting me spread the word. If anyone has any questions, feel free to contact Frank or me. We’d love to see you in Asheville on July 18!

Elizabeth Creech, Brevard, NC

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Carder Steuben Glass Association
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