I Have the Carribean On My Mind

Apr 29, 2015
Issue 2210

A Real Treat

from John Styler of Prospect Heights, IL

Alan, members of CMoG, which includes the members of our club, have a real treat when they receive their Special Edition of the magazine, the Gather, celebrating the opening of the contemporary art + design wing. It is truly a fantastic space, I can hardly wait for the chance to see it in September when I attend our symposium.


read more about the new Art + Design Wing


New Contemporary Art + Design Wing

Contemporary Glass Galleries

The new 26,000-square-foot contemporary gallery building is part of the Contemporary Art + Design Wing, designed by architect Thomas Phifer and Partners. The contemporary galleries in the new wing are the world’s largest space dedicated to the display of contemporary art and design in glass. The gallery features a sophisticated light-filtering system using diffusing roof skylights, providing the majority of the lighting required to view the art.

Response to David Rago’s comments

from David Donaldson of Orlando

Good morning Alan,

David Rago / part II: “Elongated flowers are a very good fit for that shape because you can see an entire flower from nearly every angle. But many of the horizontal landscapes that I’ve seen on that very same vase shape are unsatisfying, offering only a snapshot of the totality of the design.”

I think Mr. Rago is either being a bit short sighted or narrow minded in his statement. Being from an art and curatorial background, I find the chance to “explore” is a great part of the quest for one’s visual satisfaction when judging an object. It is also that moment which allows one to render an opinion of the object’s condition……..should possible purchase be on the viewer’s mind.

Just back from an anniversary “float”, so if you have never been to the Caribbean …….. come on down and unwind!

Symposium 2024
Carder Steuben Glass Association
20-21 September 2024
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.