Lamp Bases

Apr 6, 2015
Issue 2193

Many Patterns

from Willson Craige of Richmond, VA

Glass companies like Steuben made many patterns, Sending one to silver companies which added silver deposit……. Sending another to lamp companies for their “additions”, and then the remainder directly to retailers for sale to the public. All 3 glass pieces were exactly the same……


the glass company drilled a hole in the bottom of those sent to the lamp companies. I suspect most lamp companies did a very poor job of cutting a hole in the base of a fine piece of glass.

We do have some records of glass objects made at Steuben being shipped directly to silver companies and to lamp companies. Having a hole in the base should be less valuable only to one who wants a vase.
Willson Craigie

Your Bucket List

from Terry Smith of Signal Hill, CA

Very good, Michael Krumme. Your “Flexible” ( ? ) philosophy on the lamp/vase controversy is pretty much aligned with most collectors’
opinions about any glass item for sale. Basically, I/You/We have to make a personal decision when deciding whether to purchase
an item with-or-without any perceived “damage.”

1. How long has the item been on your “Bucket List,” and how HIGH up on that list. ? (aka overall desire)

2. What, exactly, is this damage? How noticeable is the damage? Could the damage be professionally repaired, so the damage would no longer be a severe distraction?

3. Can you negotiate a price, with the seller, that reflects the current condition and is mutually satisfying?

4. Do you think that you will have “buyer’s remorse,” next week after you are thinking more-clearly?
In other words, are you going to be dissatisfied that you had to “settle” for damaged goods in order to acquire this item?

Symposium 2024
Carder Steuben Glass Association
20-21 September 2024
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.