Apr 1, 2015
Issue 2190
Shape Gallery
from David Chadwick-Brown of San Diego
Greetings, Alan –
A recent trip to the website brought up one of the random shots of a piece of Steuben. It appeared to be a #6031, but as my mouse crossed it, up pops its designation as #6769. That led me to see what features differentiate the two. Line drawings tells us that 6769 may have handles, diamond optic/quilt, reeding, and is an inch shorter than 6031. So off to see all the collected pictures of the latter, only to discover that some of those may also be reeded and diamond optic. And while I have never seen the taller version of 6031 in person, it only stands to reason, since 6030 comes in both 7 inch and taller version – examples of both of which I have found over the years. Wonder if they ever did a taller version of #6769 as well…? (Line drawing of 6769 is mislabeled as 6969.)
I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the great website. Marshall Ketchum’s legacy is nonpareil!
Shape #6031
Shape #6769
Shape #6769
Shape #6769