
Mar 25, 2015
Issue 2185

Separating the Parts for Space

from Beth Shaut of The Carder Steuben Glass Shop of Corning, NY

Alan: Mr. Rockwell told me when I first started in the business that quite a few of the vases he had were lamp bases and that he separated them because he didn’t have the room to display them as lamps. Steuben made wonderful designs for lamp bases. He said that there was an old dealer who came around and bought up all the lamp parts to use for restoring old lamps. I know that the base is worth about a fifth of what a complete lamp. When I started the would say it was worth a tenth of value of a vase in the same shape & design.

Symposium 2024
Carder Steuben Glass Association
20-21 September 2024
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.