Time is Short, Reservations are Long

Sep 1, 2012
Issue 1558

Weekend Special Notice–Saturday, September 01, 2012


1. Symposium – The registration fee for the Symposium goes up this coming Friday, September 7. Instructions for registering for the Symposium are on the Club Web Site – www.cardersteubenclub.org.

2. Hotel – Our last block of discounted rooms (the Comfort Inn) will be released this coming Thursday, September 6.

3. Glass Show – There is still space available if you wish to rent a table to sell at the Glass Show. Contact David Goldstein (elvidant@aol.com) for details. Symposium registrants may bring up to 6 pieces of non-Steuben (not Carder, not Modern) glass to sell at the show. Remember to mark them with some sort of seller identification and a price. 15% of the sale proceeds must be paid to the Club.

4. Fakes, Forgeries and Look-alikes – Contact Bonnie Salzman (bsalzman@msn.com) if you are bringing an item or photograph for this session.

5. Miscellaneous – Bring your CMoG membership card to the Symposium to facilitate entry to the Museum (you won’t need it for entry to the Symposium) and to receive your 15% member’s discount when you shop at the Museum. Only checks and cash (no credit cards) may be used to pay for auction purchases after the banquet Saturday night.


2012 Carder Steuben Club annual Symposium will be held at The Corning Museum of Glass in Corning, NY from September 20-22, 2012.

Symposium 2024
Carder Steuben Glass Association
20-21 September 2024
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.