Shared stories

Sep 5, 2011
Issue 1271

Monday, Labor Day, September 5, 2011

Randy Sampson of Seattle shares his collecting story. Also, see more attachments on stories about the closing of the Steuben factory and store.

Hello Alan. I have a very similar story to Al’s right down to the partner named David. This is my first correspondence, though I have been receiving these emails for years now.

David and I started collecting Steuben glass in the mid-90’s, due to a friend who lived a block away. John Watson is a dear friend of ours and he had the most amazing house, filled with fun antiques and glassware. His prized collection was his Steuben. From his enthusiasm for his Steuben grew ours and we soon started collecting our own and now have over 80 difference Steuben drinking glasses from Compotes to Wine. Some of them pretty unique. Ironically I am from Mansfield, PA about 30 miles from Corning and it took my moving to Seattle to become interested in Steuben.

We started visiting the Steuben Store owned by Bob Rockwell in the late 90’s and look forward to talking to Beth every year. One year David had decided to come with me during a fall visit to see my Mother. We stopped in the Rockwell Steuben Glass Store and talked to Bob and Beth for a while. Bob went into the back and came back with a Decorated Rouge Flambé Vase. I almost had a heart attack right there in the store! He let us hold it and admire it for a while and offered to sell it to us but we, like fools, didn’t do so. He also had a Decorated Green Aurene Lamp, or rather a Decorated Green Aurene vase that had been turned into a lamp. We both loved it but we didn’t buy it . That decision hounded me the rest of the trip.

When I got home to Seattle I decided that if they still had the lamp I would buy it for David for a Christmas present. I called back and spoke to Beth, she said they still had it and I promptly bought it. Unknown to me, David had the same idea. He called her shortly after I did and Beth had to cover for me and tell David that it had already been sold to someone else so that it didn’t ruin his surprise Christmas gift. I love Beth. Look forward to seeing and talking to her every year. Sweet lady…

Randy Sampson

Seattle, WA

Any opinions expressed by participants to the Gazette e-mail newsletters are the opinions of the authors and are not endorsed by or the opinions of the Carder Steuben Club.

2011 Carder Steuben Club annual Symposium will be held at The Corning Museum of Glass in Corning, NY from September 15-17, 2011.

Symposium 2025
Carder Steuben Glass Association
19-20 September 2025
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.