
Apr 23, 2011
Issue 1167

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Michael Krumme of Los Angeles suggests

Hi Alan,

I have been watching the discussion regarding the amber plate with Celeste Blue rim with interest. Given the intricacy of the engraving, I assumed that it would turn out to be either an in-house Steuben production, or a post-sale decoration applied by an individual. But now that Dick Stark raises the question of whether it is even a Steuben blank, I thought I would weigh in with some information “outside” the Steuben world.

According to reference works on Morgantown glass (made in Morgantown, West Virginia from early 1900s through factory closing in the 70s, I believe), the company made plates similar to this, with the same color combination, which is part of their two-tone line called Genova. In fact, there is a set of amber plates with blue trim on eBay right now, which seller attributes to Morgantown. Here is the link:

Now, I am not vouching that the plates offered by the seller are indeed Morgantown. It could very well be that they are Steuben! I will let more experienced members be the judge. But I thought that I would point out that another manufacturer for the plate is possible, given the color combination. I am not a Morgantown expert, so I can’t tell you what the hallmarks that would indicate a Morgantown production would be, e.g., ground and polished pontil, or no pontil. But this type of ware was handmade, not pressed.

Perhaps someone more expert on Morgantown (Larry??) could step in with an opinion, at least as to the blank.

I wonder whether the (admitted skilled) engraver simply selects/selected random blanks to work with?


Easter greeting from Gerry Eggert


I bought some orchids for the Holidays. A single orchid flower or blossom would fit perfectly into the small Tiffany favrile piece.


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Carder Steuben Glass Association
19-20 September 2025
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