More on New Intarsia

Mar 28, 2011
Issue 1140

Monday, March 28, 2011

David Donaldson of Orlando, Florida talks about black and white photos in Gardner providing the clues to detective work.

Hi Folks,

Bobby Rockwell and I pondered those black and white pictures in Paul’s book many times and wondered what they were like in real life. After moving from Corning in 1977 to sunny Fla. I was sold a piece of Decorated Verre de Soie (sight unseen) via the US Mail. The owner resided in PA and owned a coat factory. I recognized what it was the minute I unwrapped it and was a elated to finally gain the answer to a so frequently pondered question. It now resides in the Rockwell collection. There is a slight repair on the rim, but I believe that it just might have been the first example which surfaced and was recognize…..all due to the old photo in the Paul’s book. I am so pleased to see the recently submitted example which has not been previously recorded and to learn of other possible shapes.

David P. Donaldson, MFA

Then Dick Weerts of Osprey, Florida shares his solving the New Intarsia puzzle.

I think the “blog” and the website has just solved a puzzle about a piece that I felt was “new intarsia”, but could never find a shape number for. In Marshall’s response about intarsia, he mentioned shape numbers. Shape number 794 that he mentioned, is not in Gardner, but it is on our website. Putting these two pieces of information together, I think I solved my puzzle. I have attached a picture. Dick Weerts

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