
Feb 26, 2011
Issue 1110

First, Kathleen Herdell of St. Helena, California responds to the glass clubs mini seminar in San Diego with the following wish.

I wish the session were video taped so we could all enjoy watching the presentation. Perhaps someone with a video camera could set it up and then post it to You Tube? I would love to go, but just can’t make it.

Who knows Kathleen. I don’t much about how You Tube works, but I did a Carder Steuben presentation at a large independent living facility a while back. They had a great audience with a lot of great questions and they taped the program and broadcast it over their in house television network. I guess that makes me a television personality.

Then we hear from Gerry Hoskins of Tehachipi, California on looking forward on uses for glass.

What our friends @ Corning have been up to!
Subject: Incredible glass

WOW!!!!!! click on:

Then to wrap up we have this piece on Steuben’s new colored glass portfolio from Rande Bly. I must admit I don’t fully follow what Rande has in mind. Sort of like an inside private deal. But, some may and certainly all the people Rande is talking about probably do.

I just wanted to assure everyone we are already hard at work to prevent a problem with any color name issues with the new Steuben Transparent Colored Crystal. I will write down every color name and attach with a beautiful photo of that corresponding shade. Only ONE name per color mind you. Then I will send them to Bob Mueller with a yellow sticky note with the mere notation “file”. It will then be placed amidst his nine foot mountain of paperwork. We assure all club members we will not lose the information. There is however risk of temporary misplacement? As a back up I plan to buy each color and send it through e-bay and Marshall will write it down. David-Chadwick Brown will buy them where they will be properly documented and placed amongst their cousins.

If all fails we hope someone one in the future can come across his article in the Gazette and follow the trail.

Hey, wonder how Sea Mist would sound as a marketing name once they name their Sea Green Shade……

Any opinions expressed by participants to the Gazette are the opinions of the authors and are not endorsed by or the opinions of the Carder Steuben Club.

Symposium 2025
Carder Steuben Glass Association
19-20 September 2025
© Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.