Apr 24, 2007
Issue 247
Questions have abounded. Did CMoG win the bidding at Bonham’s on the
Carder/Northwood silver overlay vase? Jane Spillman has finally returned from
vacation. Yes, she and Louise Bush survived the sinking Greek boat. No, CMoG
was outbid. Jane asked whether we know who won it. If you know please pass
back so we can let Jane know.
Next, is the press release sent out to media for the Carder Steuben Club
September Symposium.
April 23, 2007
Event Celebrates Unity of Art Metal and Steuben Glass
Carder Steuben Glass collectors and admirers will join with craftsmen and collectors of
decorative metal art for a special symposium in September to be presented by the Carder
Steuben Club. The event will showcase the artistry achieved by early 20th century metal
craftsmen who combined their pieces with Carder Steuben glass.
“Shared Desires: A Unity of Glass and Metal” will take place September 13 – 15 at the
Corning Museum of Glass in Corning, New York. The symposium will explore the artistry
and history of pieces created by Devillbis perfumes, Roycroft Copper craftsmen, Crest Lamps,
FrankArt, Art Lamp, Oscar Bach and others.
“Besides the sheer pleasure of seeing this remarkable artistry, those who attend will learn how to identify pieces that incorporate Steuben Glass, and they are invited to bring their own pieces for our experts to see,” notes Alan Shovers, Carder Steuben Club president. “Some collectors of decorative metal art might not even be aware that their pieces include Steuben Glass. Pieces that do are a real treasure.”
Cost to attend the symposium will be $172.50 for Carder Steuben Club members and $197.50
for Club non-members. To receive the program itinerary or to register for this event, contact Alan Shovers at (812) 423-3183 or ashovers@kddk.com. Blocks of rooms at reduced rates have been reserved at the Radisson Hotel Corning (607) 962-5000 and the Comfort Inn (607) 962-1515. When reserving a room, make sure to say you are attending the Carder Steuben
Club Symposium. Reservations also may be made at Hillcrest Manor Bed & Breakfast (607)