2024 Symposium Evaluation

    1. Indicate whether you are a (Check all that apply):



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    2. Rank each event from worst (1) to best (5):

         Carder Treasure Hunt in Corning

         Welcome Reception at Christ Episcopal Church

         Connected by Glass | Sensorium; Behind the Bottle

         Educational Presentations:

                        Joe Schill
                        Amy Hughes
                        Andy Fortune
                        Amy McHugh
                        Richard Whiteley
                        Sue Maynard
                        Karen Beeman
                        Steve Koob
                        Members Spotlight
         Annual Business Meeting

         Reception at Home Again and Erlacher Steuben Glass Shop

         CSGA Banquet



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    3. Do you enjoy programs that deal with The Corning Museum of Glass?


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    4. Do you enjoy programs that deal with glass manufacturers other than Steuben?


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    5. What other topics or speakers would you suggest for future program presentations?


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    6. What other events or activities would you like to see included in future Symposiums?


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    7. What special areas of knowledge do you have that you would be willing to share with other members?


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    8. What ideas do you have to improve your Symposium experience and encourage more members to attend?


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    9. What are your thoughts about having an in-person symposium every other year with a virtual symposium on alternating years?


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    10. Please rate the food and facilities.

        (1-worst; 5-best)


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    11. Did you stay at a hotel?

      Which One? 

       Rate the hotel on value and whether you would stay there again.
        (1-worst; 5-best)


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    12. Please rate your overall experience with the 2024 Symposium.

        (1-worst; 5-best)


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    Name (optional)


    Symposium 2024
    Carder Steuben Glass Association
    20-21 September 2024
    © Carder Steuben Glass Association Inc.